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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Benefits of steel reinforced concrete slabs

Here are the benefits of steel reinforced concrete slabs:
• Steel reinforcing is simple to place.
• Steel reinforcing reduces random cracking.
• Steel reinforcing reduces and controls crack width and
helps maintain aggregate interlock.
• Displacement and curling can be minimized when steel
reinforced concrete is provided.
• Strength is increased with steel reinforced concrete—
even the smallest cross sectional area of steel reinforcement
will provide reserve strength of l 6 percent and more.
• Most importantly, steel reinforcement saves money over
the life of the slab.
• Finally, admixtures are not an alternative to steel reinforcement;
they both do different things in the concrete.

Therefore, admixtures cannot be substituted for steel reinforcement.
The steel reinforcement industry is dedicated to providing
quality steel reinforcement to the construction industry. It is
also essential that steel reinforcement be sized, spaced, and
placed properly. It is vital to have a well-graded and compacted
granular subbase.
Of course, total quality can only be achieved when well
qualified suppliers and contractors are on the construction
1. Lanning, Anne, “Synthetic Fibers,” Concrete Construction, July 1992.
2. Ringo, Boyd C., and Anderson, Robert B., “Designing Floor Slabs On
Grade Step-by-Step Procedures Sample Solutions and Commentary “Second
Edition, The Aberdeen Group, 1996.
3. Anderson, Robert B., “Innovative Ways to Reinforce Slabs-On-
Ground” WRI Publication TF-705, 1996.
4. “Supports for Welded Wire Reinforcements in Slabs-On-Grade,” WRI
Publication TF-702.

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